自然のすべて――木々も鳥も動物たちも、全てが他のもののために生きている。なぜ、ロウソクは燃えて溶けていくのか? それは光を与えるためである。なぜ、香は燃えて灰になるのか? それは香りを与えるためである。なぜ、樹木は伸びるのか? それは果実と花を与えるためである…。およそこの世界に、生物・無生物を問わず、自分だけのために生きているものなどあるだろうか? ない。ならば、自然のすべて犠牲だというのに、ひとり人間だけが利己的な生を送ってよいものだろうか? われわれば、与え、与え、かつ与えるために、ここに在る。われわれに与えられて然るべきもの――それは、われわれが思い煩うまでもなく、与えられるべくして与えられるのだ。
So, when the mind is free from personal interest we do our work well and feel joyful. Our lives become meaningful. If our minds are free from selfishness and there is sacrifice in everyone’s lives, the very world becomes a heaven, an abode of peace and bliss. Everything in this life gives. Sacrifice is the law of life.
It is not only saints but everything in nature---trees, birds, animals---they all live for the sake of others. Why does a candle burn and melt away? To give light. Why does an incense stick burn to ash? To give fragrance. Why does a tree grow? To give fruit and flowers. Is there anything, sentient or insentient, in this world that lives for its own sake? No. When the entire nature sacrifices, why should we human beings alone lead selfish lives? We are here to give and give and give. What is due to us will come without our worrying about it.
Of course, even here we can wonder, “If I am to lead a sacrificial life, how can I eat, how can I clothe myself or have a house of my own?” You can have all these things to equip yourself to serve others. You must have a bed to rest in to feel refreshed in the morning to go out to serve others. You must eat to have enough energy to serve others. So you do everything with the idea that you are preparing yourself to serve others. Even the practice of meditation is not done just for your own peace but is done because with a peaceful mind you can go out into the world and serve well. With that very idea you can meditate. So, even your Yogic meditation becomes a selfless action. That is what is meant by “Even with God do not have attachment.” This vairagya, or non-attachment, alone is enough to change your entire life into a joyful one.
It is not only saints but everything in nature---trees, birds, animals---they all live for the sake of others. Why does a candle burn and melt away? To give light. Why does an incense stick burn to ash? To give fragrance. Why does a tree grow? To give fruit and flowers. Is there anything, sentient or insentient, in this world that lives for its own sake? No. When the entire nature sacrifices, why should we human beings alone lead selfish lives? We are here to give and give and give. What is due to us will come without our worrying about it.
Of course, even here we can wonder, “If I am to lead a sacrificial life, how can I eat, how can I clothe myself or have a house of my own?” You can have all these things to equip yourself to serve others. You must have a bed to rest in to feel refreshed in the morning to go out to serve others. You must eat to have enough energy to serve others. So you do everything with the idea that you are preparing yourself to serve others. Even the practice of meditation is not done just for your own peace but is done because with a peaceful mind you can go out into the world and serve well. With that very idea you can meditate. So, even your Yogic meditation becomes a selfless action. That is what is meant by “Even with God do not have attachment.” This vairagya, or non-attachment, alone is enough to change your entire life into a joyful one.
私も本当にこの通りだと思っているのですが、もしネガティブな影響を受けているせいでエネルギー切れになっていたなら、周りに何かを与えたり、貢献したり、幸せを届けたりすることはできません。では、どうすれば周りに幸せを運ぶような人間になれるのか? その第一歩が、まず自分の心身に含まれたネガティブ・エネルギーをリセットして、フラットな自分に戻ることなのです。そうすると、本来奥に眠っていた本当の自分が内から自然に現れてきます。自然体のあるがままの自分でいれば、自然の流れに乗ることができるのです。